Treenursery Heeren delivers high quality sustainable cultivated plants.
We always start with the soil. Before the cultivation of the shrubs and conifers we choose for a variety of grains, Japanese oat and green manure mixtures with mallow, Phaeselia, lupine and rye. By this method we get loose and well rooted soils. And so comes to rest.
We apply compost to increase the organic matter content. And to activate soil life. By using soil samples we know exactly what the soil needs. And which nutrients we have to mix with the compost. This intensive preparation and sustainable cultivation leads to strong and resilient plants with a strong root balls.
Several times during cultivation we take leaf samples to get an idea of the nutrition content of the plants. When there are shortages we can accurately apply foliar fertilizers.
Level controlled drainage
Last years we have seen the advantages of level controlled drainage on our fields. Level controlled drainage provides the plants with water from below. By capillary action. With the increasing number of dry summers, water is therefore not the limiting factor. And the plants stay healthy and resilient! In winter time the level controlled drainage prevents extensive water amounts in the field. And there is no flooding. In summer and winter we can provide you with high quality plants.